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One of the reasons, I wanted to get my Genes checked and identified was to prove my theory that my origin being a Memon was from Punjab, specifically Multan. My DNA proved that my forefathers came from Multan area down to then the capital of Sindh, Thattha in 14th century. My DNA was also checked while I was helping in a Project at KFSH in 1989 on Human Genome. At the time it was sent to Germany and there was certain SNPs that represented some European genes. This final DNA through new technology confirmed that the Genes in 18th century were identified in Punjab from a Hindu caste of Lohana. If you read my story earlier, that we were also Hindu Lohanas that chose to settle in Thattha for economic reasons. I am going to copy some 10 rows of my SNPs:
Genetic data is provided below as five TAB delimited columns. Each line corresponds to a SNP. Column one provides the SNP identifier (rsID where possible). Columns two and three contain the chromosome and base pair position of the SNP using human reference build 37.1 coordinates. Columns four and five contain the two alleles observed at this SNP (genotype). The genotype is reported on the forward (+) strand with respect to the human reference:
rsid chromosome position allele1 allele2
rs3131972 1 752721 A G
rs114525117 1 759036 G G
rs4040617 1 779322 A G
rs141175086 1 780397 C C
rs115093905 1 787173 G G
rs11240777 1 798959 A G
rs6681049 1 800007 C C
rs4422948 1 835499 A A
rs57494724 1 837192 A A
rs4475691 1 846808 C C
My Ancestry Tree: (In Progress):
More recently, I took the same DNA File from and gave it to a friend to upload into MyHeritageDNA website to get more details from my DNA reading. To my surprise my earlier DNA testing at KFSH proved to be right that I carried some European Genes:
I also noticed from the matching file provided by MyHeritageDNA that I had several DNA matches. I have copied only few here to show some evidence: